This digital Resume was built back in 2014 and has not been formatted for mobile devices yet. For best results, please view on larger divices. Thank you



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photo of Chris Baskett

UX Web Developer / Small Business Owner


November 2014 - Present

Radancy - UX Web Developer
  • With Photoshop designs provided by creative department I coded, using HTML5, SASS, CSS, jQuery & Razor an interactive responsive job Search websites called a Talent Brew(TB).
  • Troubleshoot TB Website, and reparing issues
  • Coded over 75 websites for different Radancy Clients.
Latestet TB Projects:

January 2006 - Present

Independent Web Developer / Entrepreneur
  • Designed, coded and maintain a successful e-commerce website using an Open Source framework called Prestashop since 2017

November 2011 - 2014

Humana Inc.
  • Designed and coded, using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript, an interactive responsive webpage to assist billing agents with links to other tools, and finding notes quickly for members accounts.

August 2008 - 2011

Charter Communication
  • Designed and coded, using HTML, CSS & JavaScript, an interactive webpage to assist Customer Service agents in getting required information from customers when assisting them.

March 2005 - 2008

  • Designed and coded, using HTML, some CSS and JavaScript, interactive web forms for customers to provide needed contact and network information.
  • Assisted developers with Q & A of new and updated web tools.


Web Languages

Novice | Good | Skilled HTML5 & CSS3:
JavaScript & jQuery:
PHP & mySQL:


Novice | Good | Skilled Sublime Text 2:
Photoshop CS6:
Dreamweaver CS6:
InDesign CS6:
Illustrator CS6:
Fireworks CS6:

Design Techiniques

Novice | Good | Skilled Accessibility Design:
Responsive Web Design:


1992 - 1996: Henry Co. High School, New Castle, Ky Graduated (1996)

Independent Courses:

  • Treehouse - Front-end Web Development training
  • Codeschool - JavaScript training
  • - JavaScript & jQuery training
  • JCPS Adult Learning - Advanced HTML5 & CSS3


When I’m not working or learning web development, I have quite a few hobbies. I enjoy:

Learning to play guitar with my son

Silhoutte of a Guitar

Playing video games with my kids

Silhoutte of a Video game controller

Building scale model cars

Silhoutte of a Car